Thursday, September 8, 2011

Vassili's Wedding minus 1 - Now this helps you!

Preparation activities afoot, please ask my mummy for the cufflinks, where have you hid my shoe?
    [where might she be]
                                           [what she may think...]
                                                                                             [...where ...]

Roge enters with a tray of jellys, lined up in 2 collumns. Left collumn is "Plain", right is not.

ROGE:  Knock, Knock.
Ready or not,  friends of the groom, CHOOSE wisely:

OPER: Afterall, it can make the diffference between having a fine Wedding Night  and NOT having.

YOU: Still, know that quantity is not quality.

OPER: You are in <cough> .. the middle ... take the left, choose "Plain"!

YOU: No YOU take the left. . . .Take the Plain.
          I am thinking...
<sees own  hand, resting on his knees, knuckles and keys...>
         I think I 'll CHOOSE Super Fucking God Damn (x4)
OPER:  Morning sees Night's choices and laughs!

Alcohasi Delivery - IKEA helps!

Now past midnight, a new day has registered in the DI-GI-TAAAAL clock on the kitchen wall,
and the smell of Alcohasi fills the room, like river-Spree-water flowing through the crack of the window of a Berlin TAXI.

Both my wife and daughter are of the sign AQUARIUS,  so I should know something about pouring Alcohasi in the mixing bowl  with Jelly to make J-Alcohasi. (stirr a lot).

Finally, thank IKEA for bringing us these Jalcohasi porters
( six is all I could fill) and count the days for Vassili's & Lydia's wedding.

Find me at the party to try a shot of Jalcohasi!

Alcohasi Night - Vassilis Wedding Day minus 2

Today I gave it the first go, see what it takes to do it right.
Hope I have some decent kind of desert before Manos leaves and Vassilis gets married, which more or less is this weekend.
Meanwhile, and while Alcohasi is allowed to settle in the fridge,
enjoy the latest music revelation:

Yerba buena - la candela (prendela) ft. Orishas